Gianna Marschmann und Berkeley Lab Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gianna Marschmann)
(1 - 13 von 14

ERG team presented at Goldschmidt Geochemistry ...
... Gianna Marschmann (PhD student at University of Hohenheim and future PDF at Berkeley Lab). ERG team. Current students,; Future students,; Alumni,; Donors Gianna Marschmann (PhD student at University of Hohenheim and future PDF at Berkeley Lab). ERG team. Current students,; Future students,; Alumni,; Donors ...

Secrets of soil microbes could revolutionize climate ...
— The team at Berkeley Lab, led by Gianna Marschmann, has made a significant breakthrough by incorporating genetic information from soil microbes — The team at Berkeley Lab, led by Gianna Marschmann, has made a significant breakthrough by incorporating genetic information from soil microbes ...