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Labyrinth of Lies review | National Post
An important story, but it might have benefited from a more faithful dramatization or a straight documentary
“Labyrinth of Lies” movie review: Film opens eyes on Auschwitz – The...
“Labyrinth of Lies,” Germany's submission for the Academy Awards, is the directorial debut of Giulio Ricciarelli. The story, written by Ricciarelli, Elisabeth Bartel and Amelie Syberberg, is certainly worthy, but the movie's methods aren't always sound. Nearly every scene is marred by an occasionally maudlin ...
'Labyrinth of Lies' director Giulio Ricciarelli on Germany learning...
The ongoing lesson of the Holocaust has been
Labyrinth of Lies: A daring, cinematic account of post-Holocaust...
Based on events that led to the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, Labyrinth of Lies is a fictional account of a young prosecutor who dares to pursue war criminals in...
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