Gray Moffett Person-Info 

( Ich bin Gray Moffett)


Lillian Gray Moffett born at 6:05 pm weighing 8 - Glow...
Lillian Gray Moffett born at 6:05 pm weighing 8 Lillian Gray Moffett born at 6:05 pm weighing pounds and 21 inches long at 41 weeks. We…

The Jena Times May 14, 2008:  Page 11
The Jena Times Newspaper Archive Jena Louisiana; May Page Topics include may, home, health, schools, hospital, day, ago, test, school, jena, red,...

The Jena Times December 21, 2005:  Page 28
The Jena Times Newspaper Archive Jena Louisiana; December Page Topics include christmas, december, jena, smith, singing, olla, little, lasalle,...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Gray Moffett
Kelly Gray
Vorname "Gray" (130)
Name "Moffett" (92)
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