Harry Gonser Person-Info 

( Ich bin Harry Gonser)


Page 8 — Nappanee Advance-News 3 March Hoosier State ...newspapers.library.in.gov › ...

Mrs. Harry Gonser and children returned to South Bend, Friday. Mrs. C. L. Davidhizer went to Goshen Tuesday to visit relatives.

The Winifred Times (Winifred, Mont.) ??, May 16, 1919, Page 8,...

Harry Gonser made final proof before Commissioner Clow Tues- day on his claim in the east coun- try. Lon ton D. and Glen Perci- val were his witnesses.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Harry Gonser
Person "Gonser" (4)
Vorname "Harry" (13145)
Name "Gonser" (198)
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