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Heat Shock Response - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Heat shock response is a universal phenomenon characterized by the increased expression of some particular genes, which accelerates synthesis of some defensive ...
A synopsis of the saddle fungi (Helvella: Ascomycota) in Europe ...:...
We use morphology and phylogenetic evidence from four loci – heat shock protein 90 (hsp), translation elongation factor alpha (tef), RNA polymerase II ( rpb2) ...
Proteome analysis of the Escherichia coli heat shock response under...
In this study a proteomic approach was used to investigate the steady-state response of Escherichia coli to temperature up-shifts in a cascade of two...
Heat shock protein
Heat shock proteins (HSP) are a group of proteins the expression of which is increased when the cells are exposed to elevated ...
Analysis of heat shock protein 70 gene polymorphisms Mexican patients...
The effect of 70 kDa heat shock proteins (HSP70) gene polymorphisms in the susceptibility to IPF is unknown. The aim of this study was to explore the ...
Effects of intracellular and extracellular heat shock proteins on...
The goal of this study was to investigate the function of the heat shock protein 70 family members, expressed in tumors under physiological and stress conditions and ...
The heat shock response in neurons and astroglia and its role ...molecularneurodegeneration.biomedcentral.com › ...
The heat shock response is a pro-survival pathway induced under conditions of cellular stress that acts to maintain proteostasis through the up- ...
Heat Shock Factors: Regulators of Early and Late Functions in Plant...
Heat Shock Factors: Regulators of Early and Late Functions in Plant Stress Response. Wunderlich M, Doll J, Busch W, Kleindt CK, Lohmann C, Schöffl F (2007)
Heat shock protein and heat shock factor 1 expression and...
Stress conditions like heat shock, infections, radiation, and exposure to chemicals induce increased levels of heat shock proteins in many cell lines [9]. The heat ...
Wissenschaft und Forschung
Heat Shock Protein 70 und Vitiligo. Aufgrund zahlreicher Nachfragen und Kommentare von Vitiligo-Betroffenen zum Thema Heat-shock protein 70 (HSP 70) und ...
Identification of heat shock factor binding protein in Plasmodium...
Heat shock factor binding protein (HSBP) was originally discovered in a yeast two-hybrid screen as an interacting partner of heat shock factor ...
Functional Analysis of Heat Shock Protein HSPA4...
Functional Analysis of Heat Shock Protein HSPA4. Barakat, Amal Zohir Abo-Zeid. Dissertation. Angenommen am: Erschienen: ...
Heat shock protein 90 in neurodegenerative diseases | Molecular...
In addition, Hsp90 regulates the activity of the transcription factor heat shock factor-1 (HSF-1), the master regulator of the heat shock response, ...
temporal bone chondroblastoma: Topics by Science.gov
Thermal effects of endoscopy in a human temporal bone model: Implications for endoscopic ear surgery for the targeted activation of heat shock-sensitive expression systems in engineered bone Laszig, Roland; Arndt, Susan; Beck, Rainer; Traser, Lousia; Aschendorff, Antje WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
Transcriptional profiling of Arabidopsis heat shock proteins and...
The heat shock response of Arabidopsis thaliana is dependent upon a complex regulatory network involving twenty-one known transcription ...
Small heat shock proteins, ClpB and the DnaK system form a functional...
Zusammenfassung: Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) can efficiently prevent the aggregation of unfolded proteins in vitro. However, how this in vitro activity ...
Unexpected proteome plasticity in response to persistent ...www.sciencedaily.com › releases ›
vor 6 Tagen · The higher temperature initially resulted in the well-documented stress response seen with short-term temperature rise (or heat shock) ...
Northwest heat wave impossible without climate change, study finds
The deadly heat wave that roasted the Pacific Northwest and western Canada was virtually impossible without human-caused climate change, a study found.
OPUS Würzburg | Der Hitzeschock-Transkriptionsfaktor 1 (HSF1) als...
Die evolutionär hoch konservierte Hitzeschock-Antwort (heat shock stress response, HSR) ermöglicht Zellen sich an Stresssituationen anzupassen und so dem ...
Forschungsdatenbank Freiburg
Grosu AL, Beer AJ, Carlsen J, Kolk A, Sarbia M, Stangier I, Watzlowik P, Wester HJ ... http://jco.ascopubs.org; Henke M, Pajonk F: In Reply Heat Shock Protein
Münster: Aschendorff München-Deisenhofen: Dustri-Verlag Feistle In: Morimoto, Richard I. (Hrsg.): The biology of heat shock proteins and molecular ...
Publications - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Chair of Metabolic...
[Epub ahead of print]; Brendel M, Delker A, Rötzer C, Böning G, Carlsen J, Cyran The heat shock response is modulated by and interferes with toxic effects of ...
Publikationen - Zentrum für Neuropathologie und Prionforschung - LMU...
Intracellular formation of α-synuclein oligomers and the effect of heat shock Delker A, Probst F, Focke C, Gildehaus FJ, Carlsen J, Baumann K, Haass C, ...
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