Spiegel.de: Boombranche Minen: Gold schürfen vier Kilometer unter der Erde -...
Die Rekordfahrt der Preise bringt weltweit Bewegung in die früher träge Branche der Goldförder-Konzerne. Eine beispiellose Fusionswelle hat begonnen....
In der Branche herrscht Goldgräberstimmung wegen der riesigen...
"Die Goldgräberstimmung täuscht", sagt etwa Heiko Leschhorn, Rohstoff-Händler bei der LBBW. "Die Firmen müssen etwas tun, um nicht ...
Grenzflächen in ungeordneten Medien - Heiko Leschhorn - Google Books
Front Cover. Heiko Leschhorn pages. 0 Reviewshttp://books.google.com/books/about/Grenzfl%C3%A4chen_in_ungeordneten_Medien.html?id= ...
Alles, was Sie über Gold wissen müssen: Hintergründe, Fakten und...
Gold ist das einzige Geld, das seine Kaufkraft über Jahrtausende weltweit erhalten konnte. Aber: Wo schlägt das Herz des Goldmarktes heute und welche...
Econophysics and Financial Economics: An Emerging Dialogue - Franck...
Econophysics and Financial Economics provides the first extensive analytic comparison between models and results from econophysics and financial economics in...
Fractals, Scaling and Growth Far from Equilibrium - Paul Meakin -...
This book describes the progress that had been made towards the development of a comprehensive understanding of the formation of complex, disorderly...
Dokumente zum Namen
[cond-mat ] Anisotropic Interface Depinning - Numerical Results
Authors: Heiko Leschhorn. (Submitted on 3 May 1996). Abstract: We study numerically a stochastic differential equation describing an interface driven along the ...
[cond-mat ] Interface Depinning in a Disordered Medium -...
Authors: Heiko Leschhorn. (Submitted on 26 Feb 1993). Abstract: We propose a lattice model to study the dynamics of a driven interface in a medium with random pinning forces. For driving forces F smaller than a threshold force F_c the whole interface gets pinned. The depinning transition can be characterized by a set of ...
Missing: hedatec
Complex Phenomena in Social and Financial Caltech THESIS
Rev. Lett., 80(7):1385–1388, Feb doi: Phys-. RevLett Lus A. Nunes Amaral, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Heiko Leschhorn, Michael A. Salinger, H. Eugene Stanley, and Michael H. R. Stanley. Scaling behavior in economics: I. empirical results for company growth. J. Phys. I France, 7:621–633, ...
[cond-mat ] Driven Interface Depinning in a Disordered Medium
Submission history From: Heiko Leschhorn [view email] [v1] Fri, 15 Mar :32:22 GMT (123kb)
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen
Vol. 57, No. 3, May - Jun., of Financial Analysts Journal on...
The Financial Analysts Journal aims to be the leading practitioner journal in the investment management community by advancing the knowledge and understanding...
LandOfFree - Scientist - Heiko Leschhorn
Check out Heiko Leschhorn. Rate and share your experience with other people.
Annalen - Contents
Ann. Physik 6 (1997) Driven interface depinning in a disorderd medium Heiko Leschhorn 1, Thomas Nattermann 1, Semjon Stepanow 2, and Lei-Han Tang 1,+
Financial Modelling Workshop, University of Ulm
Heiko Leschhorn, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart. The European Market for Crude Oil. Anton Schäfer, Siemens AG. From Time Series to Market Modelling. Thursday -- Back To Beginning of Pictures and Presentations. Andrea Roncoroni, ESSEC Business School, Paris. Modelling the Spot Price ...
Veröffentlichungen allgemein
Dynamics of Interface Depinning in a Disordered Medium | SpringerLink
The motion of an interface in a disordered medium driven by a constant force is one of the paradigms of condensed matter physics. Well known examples are...
Interface Depinning in a Disordered Medium - Numerical Results :...
We propose a lattice model to study the dynamics of a driven interface in a medium with random pinning forces. For driving forces F smaller than a threshold...
AG Nuklearia/Vorstandssitzung Verein – Piratenwiki
Heiko Leschhorn hat dazu ein Strategiepapier entworfen und an den Vorstand übermittelt. In der Vorstandssitzung findet das Papier grundsätzlich Beifall.
Soft Order in Physical Systems | SpringerLink
A humoristic view of the physics of soft matter, which nevertheless has a ring of truth to it, is that it is an ill-defined subject which deals with...
Artikel & Meinungen
Cardero Resource - der Startschuss ist gefallen - auf zu neuen Höhen!...
Seite 160 der Diskussion 'Cardero Resource - der Startschuss ist gefallen - auf zu neuen Höhen!' vom im w:o-Forum 'Rohstoffwerte, Minen und...
Scaling behaviour in the growth of companies | Nature
Michael H. R. Stanley ,; Luís A. N. Amaral ,; Sergey V. Buldyrev ,; Shlomo Havlin ,; Heiko Leschhorn ,; Philipp Maass ,; Michael A. Salinger &; H.
Gold schürfen vier Kilometer unter der Erde - Das Forum der GAG
"Die Goldgräberstimmung täuscht", sagt etwa Heiko Leschhorn, Rohstoffhändler bei der LBBW. "Die Firmen müssen etwas tun, um nicht selbst ...
Ölpreis über 50 Dollar - Dow Jones taucht ab - Seite 1 - Forum -...
Ölpreis über 50 Dollar - Dow Jones taucht ab: Erstmals ist der Ölpreis über die Marke von 50 Dollar geklettert. Für die Börse ist das Rekordhoch Gift, die Opec...
au:Leschhorn_H in:cond-mat - SciRate Search
In the preceding paper we presented empirical results describing the growth of publicly-traded United States manufacturing firms within the years
Articles citing this article - Journal de Physique II
Cited article: Dynamics of interface depinning in a disordered medium. Thomas Nattermann, Semjon Stepanow, Lei-Han Tang, Heiko Leschhorn. J. Phys.
Condensed Matter
@misc{cond-mat , author = {Heiko Leschhorn and Lei-Han Tang}, title = {{A}valanches and {C}orrelations in {D}riven {I}nterface ...
Ölpreis über 50 Dollar - Dow Jones taucht ab Börsenforum - Aktien -...
Erstmals ist der Ölpreis über die Marke von 50 Dollar geklettert Für die Börse ist das Rekordhoch Gift die Opec sieht sich hilflos Der Dow ist unter die Marke...
Croissance exceptionnelle | SorbonnEco
Heiko Leschhorn, Philipp Maass, Michael A. Salinger and H. Eugene Stanley, « Scaling behaviour in the growth of companies » (1996) Nature, ...
Can statistical physics contribute to the science of economics?...
Michael H R Stanley, Luís A N Amaral, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Heiko Leschhorn, Phillipp Maass, Michael A. Salinger, H. Eugene Stanley. Chemical ...
Distance to frontier, productivity distribution and travelling waves...
Received wisdom would make you think that you need lots of small firms that are innovating in order to push productivity in an economy. This column provides...
The European Physical Journal D (EPJ D)
Thomas Nattermann, Semjon Stepanow, Lei-Han Tang and Heiko Leschhorn. J. Phys. II France 2 (8) (1992). DOI: http://dx.doi.org jp2: ...
Dynamics of interface depinning in a disordered medium | Journal de...
Journal de Physique II, Journal de Physique Archives représente une mine dinformations facile à consulter sur la manière dont la physique a été publiée depuis...
Kapitalmärkte Rohstoffe - Einführung in die beste Assetklasse des...
Die Baden-Württembergische Bank AG in Stuttgart publizierte in der Vergangenheit einige interessante Studien über Edelmetalle und Rohstoffe. Nach der...
La croissance des firmes | SorbonnEco
Heiko Leschhorn, Philipp Maass, Michael A. Salinger and H. Eugene Stanley, « Scaling behaviour in the growth of companies » (1996) Nature, 379, – Haltiwanger, J. C. « Measuring and analyzing aggregate fluctuations: the importance of building from microeconomic evidence » (1997), Federal ...
Fisher ME, Critical Phenomena (Proc Enrico Fermi Int
by Lus A. Nunes Amaral, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Heiko Leschhorn, Philipp Maass, Michael A. Salinger, H. Eugene Stanley, Michael H. R. Stanley ...
Papers on thermal and statistical physics
Michael H. R. Stanley, Luis A. N. Amaral, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Heiko Leschhorn, Phillip Maass, Micheal A. Salinger, and H. Eugene Stanely, ...
Interface Depinning in a Disordered Medium - Numerical Results -...
Science-advisor.net is a free science articles search engine and online forum.
Preferential Attachment in Systems and Networks of Constant Size
(29) Michael HR Stanley, Luis AN Amaral, Sergey V Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Heiko Leschhorn, Philipp Maass, Michael A Salinger, and H ...
Scaling behaviour in the growth of companies — Northwestern...
Michael H R Stanley, Luís A N Amaral, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Heiko Leschhorn, Philipp Maass, Michael A. Salinger, H. Eugene ...
Zipf and Related Scaling Laws. 1. Literature Overview of Applications ...
Luıs A. Nunes Amaral, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Heiko Leschhorn, Philipp Maass, Michael A. Salinger, H. Eugene Stanley,. Michael H.R. Stanley.
The Production Function - PDF Free Download
Physica A, 324(1 2): , [6] Sergey V. Buldyrev, Luis A. Nunes Amaral, Shlomo Havlin, Heiko Leschhorn, Philipp Maass, Michael A. Salinger, H. Eugene Stanley, and Michael H.R. Stanley. Scaling behavior in economics: I. empirical results for company growth. Journal de Physique I, 7(4): , [7] Sergey V.
Dynamics of interface depinning in a disordered medium - Archive...
Thomas Nattermann, Semjon Stepanow, Lei-Han Tang, Heiko Leschhorn ... The dynamics of a driven interface in a disordered medium close to the
Physical Review E - Volume 49 Issue 2
Pawel Keblinski, Amos Maritan, Flavio Toigo, Joel Koplik, and Jayanth R ... Heiko Leschhorn and Lei-Han Tang
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