Herbert Deck Person-Info 

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Traueranzeigen von Herbert Deck | Schwarzwälder Bote Trauer

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Bonner Bridge to close for brief time on Monday morning | Island Free...

During the course of the last year, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has performed mobile scans every three months on the deck of the Herbert C. Bonner ...

Page 1 — Bloomington Courier 23 August 1895

B. Easton, the proprietor of the Stinesville hotel, in which he says that he knew nothing of Herbert Deck's disappearance from the hotel, and that he was ... › ...

The Freeman Courier August 7, 1958: Page 1fre.stparchive.com › Archive › FRE

Clayton and Johann esthal Heilbronn and Kassel Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Deck- er and daug'hters left on a three week .tr.ip to California.
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