Holger Lubatschowski und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Holger Lubatschowski)
(1 - 20 von 21

LZH develops presbyopia laser surgery model

— One is LZH spin-off company ROWIAK, whose CEO Holger Lubatschowski was previously head of biomedical optics at LZH, the other is Swiss start — One is LZH spin-off company ROWIAK, whose CEO Holger Lubatschowski was previously head of biomedical optics at LZH, the other is Swiss start ...

Alpine High Tech Venture Forum 2019[6]techtour.com › events ›

Carlo Loderer. Co-Founder and CEO. Zippsafe AG (Switzerland). Cleantech. Holger Lubatschowski. ROWIAK GmbH. Holger Lubatschowski. Managing Director.

Healthtech Summit Tech Tourwww.techtour.com › events › even...

Alex Templeton. Founder and CEO. Qured (United Kingdom). Digital health. Holger Lubatschowski. ROWIAK GmbH. Holger Lubatschowski. Managing Director.