Jürgen Pannek Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jürgen Pannek)


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Vortrag von Prof. Jürgen Pannek | Veranstaltung |

Jürgen Pannek received his Diplom in Mathematical Economics and PhD in Mathematics from the University of Bayreuth in and respectively. Thereafter, he worked as a PostDoc …

Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pannek - TU Braunschweig

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pannek, Institut für Intermodale Transport- und Logistiksysteme. Zur Website der Veranstaltung →. Veranstaltung im Kalender speichern →. Themen: Maschinenbau. …

Talk of Prof. Jürgen Pannek | Event | Aug 30, 2016

— Jürgen Pannek received his Diplom in Mathematical Economics and PhD in Mathematics from the University of Bayreuth in and respectively — Jürgen Pannek received his Diplom in Mathematical Economics and PhD in Mathematics from the University of Bayreuth in and respectively ...

Vita - Deutscher Ärztekongress für Homöopathie 2019

Vita. Foto: privat. Dr. med. Jürgen Pannek. Facharzt für Urologie und spezielle urologische Chirurgie. Studium bis 1988: Humanmedizin, Ruhr‑Universität ...
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