Jan Klod Van Dam Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jan Klod Van Dam)


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Spiegel.de: Nagetiere: Artensterben im Millionen-Jahre-Takt - DER SPIEGEL

Nagetierarten sterben einer Studie zufolge in Rhythmen aus: Im Abstand von einer und 2,4 Millionen Jahren verschwinden jeweils fünf Spezies. Verantwortlich...

"Human Rights Watch" Hilari Suonk va Jan Klod Van Damni tanqid qildi...

Checheniston Prezidenti Ramzan Qodirovning tug‘ilgan kunida ishtirok etganliklari uchun tanqid qilarkan, inson huquqlarini himoya etuvchi xalqaro tashkilot...

Civil Network OPORA - Election in Ukraine

On 20 October, in local palace of culture in Kaharlyk city, was shown The Expendables 2 movie with the support of MP candidate from the Party of Regions Olersandr Onyshchenko. Jan Klod Van Dam, one of the leading actors in the movie, visited the event. He campaigner for the Party of Regions together ...

Nieuwsoverzicht | Jan van Dam Machine Transport

Jan van Dam and Toon Christiaens participated in the Navigate North rally as the JANTOO team Five Volvo Euro 6 trucks for Jan van Dam Machine Transport.
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