Jane Pearce Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jane Pearce)


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Situation in Fallujah, Iraq, dire as city under siege again | The Star

Jane Pearce, Iraq country director for the World Food Program, says that in the refugee camps near Fallujah, Iraq, thousands of families are ...

Guardian: Families in critical situation in southern Iraq as winter bites |...

More than 3 million people are displaced from their homes in Iraq and the World Food Programme warns it will struggle to maintain levels of assistance

Schoolgirl died after choking on meatball while eating lunch with...

Isabel Pearce, 13, who had Sotos Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder causing excessive childhood growth, and autism, never regained consciousness after eating...

AM - Iraq humanitarian crisis critical; UN calls for $500M emergency...

The United Nations says the humanitarian crisis facing Iraq is reaching a critical point as millions of refugees flee towns stormed by Islamic State fighters...
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