Jay Iwasaki Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jay Iwasaki)


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globo: Libélulas estão entre predadores mais vorazes da natureza - Jornal O...

... eficazes e brutais ao caçar suas vítimas. O Globo :30. Libélula oriental pondhawk (Erythemis simplicicollis) Foto: JAY IWASAKI / NYT ...

Carbon cuts in growing economies | Crawford School of ...crawford.anu.edu.au › news › carb...

You are here. Home » News and events » All stories » Carbon cuts in growing economies. image by Jay Iwasaki on flickr.

Dragonflies: The flying aces of the insect world

I lost it," exclaims team member and biomechanist Jay Iwasaki. "It's a Libellula cyanea," he notes when he finally catches one. "It's in the family ...

Energia z wiatru - rekordowy wynik Duńczyków - Polsat News

W Danii 42,1 proc. całkowitej energii elektrycznej zużytej w roku pochodziło z elektrowni wiatrowych, co stanowi nowy rekord świata - poinformowała w...
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Name "Iwasaki" (162)
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