Jeff Clavier Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jeff Clavier)


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Google News: It Doesn't Take a Million...

[Entrepreneur] - Their mentor, Jeff Clavier, founder and managing partner of SoftTech VC, later spearheaded a $1 million seed investment in the San Francisco-based platform

Google News: Viceroy Hotel Group Partners With Topguest To Offer Rewards Program For Members

[Hotel Interactive, Inc.] - Topguest is backed by top Silicon Valley investors including Founders Fund, SV Angel, Keith Rabois, and Jeff Clavier. The founding team is led by Geoffrey

Google News: Super Angels, Lean VCs, Proto-Incubators, Whatever. Focus on Social Contract.

[Fast Company] - The Super Angel (Jeff Clavier) does his own deals, the ultimate lean angel, talks little about them, gets them sold, has a high batting average

Zum Geburtstag von Edvard #Munch: Der #Zalando Schrei -...
Auf Twitter ist eigentlich immer was los, selbst wenn man nichts los ist. Einige spannende Themen, Anmerkungen, Fotos und Links gehen im normalen Berufsalltag...
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Vorname "Jeff" (7535)
Name "Clavier" (40)
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