Jenny Abel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jenny Abel)


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Alan Abel, hoaxer extraordinaire, is (on good authority) dead at 94 |...
Alan Abel’s first major hoax — seeking “to clothe all naked animals that appear in public” — began in and fooled folks around the world. His pranks...

Guardian: The patients who can’t leave hospital – as no one will make a profit...

Elderly and disabled becoming ‘bedblockers’, despite wantiing to go home, as private care firms refuse to take on their cases

Jenny Abel | UVA Today
Recent Articles by. Jenny Abel. June 08, Give It a Rest: Darden Study Reveals How to Reduce Fatigue, Raise Productivity. Professor Manel Baucells and colleague Lin Zhao studied Olympic swimmers to determine the ideal pattern for your workday breaks – and to show how those breaks benefit you ...

Musik gegen Verfolgung und Vergessen
Sie ist nicht nur eine weltberühmte Geigerin. Mit ihrem brillanten Spiel kämpft Jenny Abel gegen Rassismus, gegen das Vergessen und für mehr Demokratie. In
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