News Jess Walter

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Repaso a algunos de los proyectos que nacen en Cannes
[Versión muy original (blog)] - Jack Black vino a Cannes a promocionar Kung Fu Panda 2 y de paso anunció que protagonizará la nueva película de Michael Winterbottom, adaptación de la novela de Jess Walter Las finanzas de los poetas, que su mismo autor guionizará.

Jess Walter: La vie financière des poètes
[Ouest-France] - La crise financière mondiale est ici une fontaine de drôlerie, un festival d'humour jubilatoire. Matt perd son boulot de journaliste, sa maison, sa femme et ses illusions... Le montage des prêts financiers de l'immobilier est d'une implacable mécanique

Google News: Cannes Deal Central: Marketplace Announcements

[TheWrap] - A roundup of announcements: "Bailout" - Jack Black has agreed to star in the comedy based on the novel "The Financial Lives of the Poets" by Jess Walter, who also wrote the screenplay. Michael Winterbottom is set to direct the film, which begins

Cannes Film Festival 2011: day two as it happened
[] - Black has also lined up with Michael Winterbottom, the British director, for an adaptation of the Jess Walter novel The Financial Lives of the Poets. The film has a working title of Bailout, and he plays the unemployed and deeply-in-debt lead character

Jack Black e la vita finanziaria dei poeti
[] - L'attore sarà protagonista dell'adattamento del romanzo satirico di Jess Walter. Dirige l'inglese Michael Winterbottom. Il mattatore Jack Black sta per fare ritorno sul grande schermo con un progetto fuori dal comune. L'attore, attualmente ospite a

傑克-布萊克出演溫特伯頓新片 欲改諧星形象
[臺灣新浪網] - 這部新片由作家傑斯-瓦特(Jess Walter)的小說《詩人的經濟生活》(The Financial Lives of the Poets)改編。而傑斯-瓦特也同樣為影片撰寫了腳本。 小說講述了主人公Matt Prior辭去了自己商業記者的工作,創建了一個名為Poetfolio.com的網站,專門關注詩人的經濟生活。

Google News: 杰克-布莱克出演温特伯顿新片 欲改谐星形象

[新浪网] - 这部新片由作家杰斯-瓦特(Jess Walter)的小说《诗人的经济生活》(The Financial Lives of the Poets)改编。而杰斯-瓦特也同样为影片撰写了脚本。 小说讲述了主人公Matt Prior辞去了自己商业记者的工作,创建了一个名

Al Mercato di Cannes, una pioggia di film in arrivo
[Primissima (Comunicati Stampa) (Blog)] - Jack Black sarà il protagonista dell'adattamento di The Financial Lives of the Poets, romanzo di Jess Walter da lui stesso trasposto per il cinema. La storia segue le disavventure di Matt Prior (Black), che perde il proprio lavoro, è indebitato fino al

Gianluigi Ricuperati, Il mio impero è...
[Il Fatto Quotidiano] - Gianluigi Ricuperati, Il mio impero è nell'aria, minimum fax, Roma Jess Walter, La vita finanziaria dei poeti, Guanda, Milano Ernst... L'invio dei commenti è temporaneamente abilitato solo per gli utenti registrati.

Google News: Jack Black speelt aan lager wal geraakte man

[] - AMSTERDAM - Jack Black heeft getekend voor de hoofdrol van de komedie Bailout, gebaseerd op het boek The Financial Lives Of the Poets van Jess Walter. Hiervoor gaat de 42-jarige acteur samenwerken met de Britse regisseur Michael Winterbottom.

Google News: Can This Christian Slater Be Saved?

[Gawker] - It's based on Jess Walter's novel The Financial Lives of the Poets, which my parents got me for Christmas last year and I still haven't read. Sorry guys! Guess I'll just go see the Jack Black movie instead. [THR] Aw, remember Craig Kilborn

De la poésie au trafic de drogue
[L'Express] - Auteur jusque-là de quatre thrillers, Jess Walter change de braquet avec La vie financière des poètes, peinture sociale aussi drôle que grinçante de l'Amérique des subprimes. Si le scénario a des airs de déjà-vu - on pense aux séries télé Breaking Bad

‘Beautiful Ruins’: Jess Walter’s dark, clever look at Hollywood...
Seattle Times book editor Mary Ann Gwinn reviews

Guardian: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter – review | Books | The Guardian

Jess Walter's novel about an actress who escapes to a remote Italian village after filming Cleopatra in is an epic in itself, writes Lucy Scholes

Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter, review - Telegraph
Melissa Katsoulis enjoys a sparkling summer tale celebrating the power of enduring love.

The Financial Lives of the Poets, By Jess Walter | The Independent |...
How to cope when you go up in smoke

Bestselling authors Sherman Alexie and Jess Walter launch podcast -...
Bestselling authors Sherman Alexie and Jess Walter launch podcast

Kunstwerk als Geschenk - Merkendorf | Nordbayern
Merkendorf - In der Krautstadt ist die mittlerweile zehnte Auflage der „Merkendorfer Sommerakademie“ zu Ende gegangen. Am Freitagabend präsentierten die...

Kunst am Körper
Zwei Zeitgenossen wurden in Jarnachs Auftrag aktiv: Weltpremiere für Messgewänder von Jess Walter (München) und Bernd Zimmer (Polling), ...

Guardian: Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter – review | Fiction | The Guardian

There are erudite set-pieces and fun, satirical stabs at Hollywood in this sly and sophisticated beach read, says Rosalind Porter

Interview: How Jess Walter became a bestselling author
Bestselling novelist Jess Walter is looking forward to spending a few days at the Writers in Paradise conference at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg this month.

Jess Walter - The Morning News
An online magazine, published weekdays.

Jess Walter's Novel Beautiful Ruins | The Leonard Lopate Show | WNYC
Jess Walter talks about his new novel, Beautiful Ruins. The story begins in Italy in and spans 50 years, ...

Jess Walter: Beautiful Ruins | Bookworm | KCRW
Walter on his much acclaimed new work, a completely pleasurable summer read -- and not your typical Hollywood novel.

Author events this week in L.A.: Sharks, Jets and Batman signings
This article was originally on a blog post platform and may be missing photos, graphics or links.

Jess Walter: We Live in Water | Bookworm | KCRW
How did Jess Walter make the leap between his romantic novel,

Award winning writer Jess Walter featured in Southeastern's ‘Common...
Jess Walter, author of the award-winning collection of stories, “We Live in Water,” and seven other books, will visit Southeastern Louisiana University Oct

jess walter – rechtsanwälte, fachanwälte, mediatoren; gunzenhausen,...
rechtsanwälte, fachanwälte, mediatoren; gunzenhausen, ansbach, dinkelsbühl, feuchtwangen, weißenburg; arbeitsrecht,bankrecht,baurecht,erbrecht ...

'Beautiful Ruins' isn't typical Hollywood novel, author says - Los...
'Beautiful Ruins' isn't typical Hollywood novel, author says