John Fahey und Album Person-Info 

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Google News: Reavis Mitchell says it's hard for a Music City jazzman, but he's still game

[Nashville Scene] “But I was really into hip-hop and rap, and I remember hearing albums by groups like A Tribe Called Quest and Gang Starr with Guru and DJ Premier.

Google News: Ex-Gorky Zygotic Mynci Richard James Solo Uk Tour & Tickets

[ (blog)] - Releasing his first solo album 'The Seven Sleepers Den' in 2006, expect a mix of traditional Welsh folk, psych-pop and John Fahey-esque guitar picking as

Album: John Fahey | The Independent | The Independent
Sea Changes & Coelacanths - a Young Person's Guide to John Fahey, Table Of The Elements

The Spirit of John Fahey: three of the famed Takoma Seven guitar › Entertainment
· by Whitney Youngs In 1959, fingerstyle guitarist and composer John Fahey founded Takoma Records by pressing 100 copies of an album from a ...