John Fahey und American Person-Info 

( Ich bin John Fahey)
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Experimental bands come together Tuesday
[Statesman Journal] - Bachman's music is inspired by, among other things, Americana, John Fahey, jug bands and box cars. It is dark, heavy music that moves with its own logic.

Google News: Luck in the Valley Jack Rose

[Washington City Paper] - He comes closest to true synthesis on the tracks that evoke the spirit of John Fahey, the virtuosic American fingerpicker who in the '60s turned his passion

John Fahey - The American Association of › Notable-Members › In-Memoriam
AAI In Memoriam. John Fahey. Prominent immunologist and longtime AAI member John L. Fahey, M.D. (AAI '64) died on August 19, 2014, in Boulder, Colorado, ...

4140 Echoes of John Fahey | New › story › echoes-john-fa...
· Hear music with echoes of John Fahey ( ), the American fingerstyle guitarist and composer, with works by guitarists Gwenifer Raymond ...