John Fahey und Olympics Person-Info 

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Google News: Cheaters caught in sports? It's Olympics Time!!!

[Toronto Sports Media (blog)] - It has happened, and WADA President John Fahey is claiming that testing has improved. Has the testing improved in all areas of sports, professional and

Google News: On Eve Of Winter Olympics, 30 Athletes Banned For Doping

[RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty] - World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President John Fahey says it is now harder than ever for doping cheats to go undetected at Olympic Games.

Guardian: More than 30 drug cheats barred from Vancouver winter Olympics

[The Guardian] - AP The World Anti-Doping Agency president, John Fahey, says Olympic drug cheats are now more likely to be caught than ever before.

Google News: More Than 30 Athletes Banned from Vancouver Olympics for Breaking Anti ...

[Cleveland Leader] - WADA's president, John Fahey, said that the sports or national federations were handling the cases that have emerged in recent months.