John McFall Person-Info 

( Ich bin John McFall)


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John McFall: Para-astronaut on a mission to open up space
— John McFall is studying whether it's possible for someone with a physical disability to go to space. John McFall: Paralympics-Sportler könnte für die Esa ins All...

24. Nov · Noch ist es nur eine Machbarkeitsstudie – doch wenn sie erfolgreich ist, könnte der körperbehinderte Brite John McFall europäischer Astronaut werden. Er hat sein rechtes Bein bei einem ...

John McFall News | Photos | Quotes | Wiki - › topic › John_McFall
John McFall PC (born 4 October 1944) is a politician in the United Kingdom. He is a Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament and is chairman of the ...

John McFall: Who is the first disabled astronaut in history?
24. Nov · John McFall, 41, was born in Frimley, Surrey, and grew up in Somerset running and playing hockey. During his gap year trip to Samui, Thailand, in 2000, McFall was involved in a serious motorcycle...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu John McFall
Vorname "John" (38044)
Name "Mcfall" (24)
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