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ZKM | Presse Dateiarchiv
July 26–November 09, Jonas Mekas 365 Day Project All pictures may be reprinted free of charge according to General Terms and Conditions Act in connection with ...
Jonas Mekas Day Project | ZKM
Der in Litauen geborene und in New York lebende Filmemacher gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Protagonisten eines unabhängigen Kinos in den USA und Europa.
Jonas Mekas and the Underground Cinema | ZKM
The screening includes two films by Gideon Bachmann. The event is part of the exhibition »Jonas Mekas Day Project«.
The films
»Underground, New...
Film Culture 80: The Legend of Barbara Rubin — Launch event with...
Edit Film Culture! is a project by silent green Film Feld Forschung gGmbH in collaboration with Jonas Mekas / Anthology Film Archives, ...
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