Julia Wittmayer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julia Wittmayer)


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A book with seven sealstudelft.nl

Julia Wittmayer from the Erasmus University Rotterdam explains why social innovation can change the societal fabric and provides a typology of different ...

News sfsTU Dortmund

Julia Wittmayer (DRIFT, Rotterdam) and Bonno Pel (Université Libre de Bruxelles) present the "Relational Framework" of the TRANSIT project.

Webinar "Social Innovation In The Energy Transition" - Triple-Atriple-a-interreg.eu

— Julia Wittmayer from Erasmus University Rotterdam explains why social innovation can change the societal fabric and provides a ...

"ESIR" – New Journal on Social Innovation Launching -...

"ESIR" – New Journal on Social Innovation Launching. Looking for articles and reflections on social innovation? ... Julia Wittmayer, DRIFT ...
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