Julian Barnes und Booker, Prize Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julian Barnes)
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Spiegel.de: Britischer Literaturpreis: Julian Barnes gewinnt Booker Prize -...

Der ewige Favorit bekommt den Booker Prize: Die populärste Literaturauszeichnung Großbritanniens geht an Julian Barnes. Bereits zum vierten Mal war Barnes...

Julian Barnes: Booker Prize is 'daft' to include US authors - BBC News

Booker Prize-winning author Julian Barnes criticises the decision to open up the award to US writers.

Guardian: Booker prize 2011: Julian Barnes triumphs at last | Books | The...

Fourth time lucky for Julian Barnes, who wins the Man Booker prize for his novel The Sense of an Ending after missing out on three previous occasions

Julian Barnes: Americans should be barred from Booker Prize

Julian Barnes, the author, has critcised the decision to open the Man Booker Prize to American writers, claiming that it harms the chances of unknown novelists...