Julie Zielinski Person-Info 

( Ich bin Julie Zielinski)


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Full-body cast crash testingKettering University

— Julie Zielinski, M.D., M.S. orthopedic surgery resident at McLaren Regional Medical Center, are researching the safest way to transport children ...

How to be a good sports parent: mistakes parents are makingWSLS 10

— Julie Zielinski is a pediatric ortho surgeon at Carilion Clinic. She says parents are inadvertently causing harm through helicopter parenting.

No foul play suspected in Meigs County death investigationWSAZ

— Donald Icenhower, 55, and Julie Zielinski, 54, are identified as the victims, the Meigs County Sheriff's Office says.

Who's NewsTheGazette.com

— Julie Zielinski (see photo) joined the Entrepreneurial Development Center, a Cedar Rapids-based business accelerator, as vice president of ...
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