Katharina Voigt und Virginie Roy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katharina Voigt)
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Spatial Dimensions of Moving Experience - TU Darmstadt

Feb 17, · The editors, Katharina Voigt and Prof. Virginie Roy, intend for this symposium to be an opportunity for the contributors to meet each other and to exchange ideas. All authors are invited to briefly present their contribution and …

ZU BESUCH: Katholische StiftungshochschuleArchitekturmuseum der TUM

— Katharina Voigt, Maureen Zollinger, Barbara Galli und Virginie Roy: »Experiencing Sense(s)«, Independent Project, Trienal de Arquitectura — Katharina Voigt, Maureen Zollinger, Barbara Galli und Virginie Roy: »Experiencing Sense(s)«, Independent Project, Trienal de Arquitectura ...