Katy Perry und Music Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katy Perry)
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Guardian: The Guardian

Katy Perry performs ahead of the AFL Grand Final match between Sydney Swans and Brisbane Lions · Katy Perry performing at the MTV Video Music Awards,


— Es ist Katys Welt und wir leben in ihr: Katy Perry hat ihr neues Album “143“ veröffentlicht und beweist aufs Neue, warum sie erst vor kurzem ...

Katy Perry reveals pregnancy in new music video - CNN

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom are expecting their first child together, the US singer revealed in her latest music video on Thursday.

Katy Perry pregnant: Singer reveals she’s expecting in music video -...

"We're excited and happy and it's probably the longest secret I've ever had to keep," Katy Perry said of her pregnancy.