News Kevin Cossel

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Don’t call it a drone: Boulder scientists advance system to track...
Researchers at the Boulder's National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado have developed a new way to take to the air to learn...

Auch für Nobelpreisträger ist Wissenschaft ein Abenteuer mit...
Lesedauer: 7 Min. Laureat und Nachwuchsforscher: Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Dudley Herschbach diskutiert mit Kevin Cossel. (Foto: Flemming). 6. Juli

National Institute of Standards and Technology Drone Monitors...
NIST, which is most famous as the creator of the atomic clock, has combined lasers and drones in building a system that can monitor plumes of pollutants from...

A team at NIST helped keep methane and other greenhouse ...
— ... technology for detecting methane leaks and thereby getting them cut off earlier. For their work, Nathan Newbury, Kevin Cossel, and Ian. › a...

Detecting Methane Leaks From Miles Away
— Sean Coburn, Caroline B. Alden, Robert Wright, Kevin Cossel, Esther Baumann, Gar-Wing Truong, Fabrizio Giorgetta, Colm Sweeney, ... › ...

Dual-Comb Setup Monitors Multiple Greenhouse Gases
— ... time,” says lead author Kevin Cossel. “What we wanted to do was extend the wavelength coverage to this region between 4.5 to 5 microns.” ... › july

NIST laser 'comb' systems now measure all pri - EurekAlert!
— ... especially that cover large areas, and that it is critical to have data to feed back to the inventories," lead author Kevin Cossel said. › news-...

NIST laser comb measures primary greenhouse gases
— ... especially covering large areas, and that it is critical to have data to feed back to those inventories," said NIST's Kevin Cossel. › news

Team launches 'comb and copter' system to map atmospheric gases
... a system that we can point to wherever we want," NIST physical chemist Kevin Cossel said. "The technology and sensitivity are promising.".