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( Ich bin Kit Li)

News Einhell GE-HC 18 Li T Kit Akku-Hochentaster inkl. Akku 3.0Ah +...

GE-HC 18Li T Kit Li-Ion-Akku 3,0 Ah, rot rot ( ) (Art# 9WHHEE02) Preis vom: , 14:26:55 (Preis kann jetzt höher sein!) ...

Premiere of Seychellois-produced film ‘Disparet’ greeted with...
· (Seychelles News Agency) - The premiere of ‘Disparet’- a locally produced short-series film – is a major improvement in terms of film production in Seychelles, viewers at the event said. The two production houses are working together on this project under the name ‘Kit Li Orizinal ...

'We fought good battle': Li
Progressive Conservative candidate Ki Kit Li’s loss in Markham-Unionville was “unfortunate”, one his supporters said.Mr. Li lost the riding to Liberal...

New TV series shot in Seychelles will show need to watch children...
'Disparet' is one of the series on which Orizinal Kreol is working in collaboration with Kit Li Normal (KLN). Apart from the good existing relationship between the two production houses, Duncan explained that working with KLN on this project allow crews of Orizinal Kreol to focus on their individual tasks.
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