Koichi Yamaoka Person-Info 

( Ich bin Koichi Yamaoka)


Introduction to Naskh Script with Kouichi Honda and Koichi ...Bagri Foundation

Koichi Yamaoka is the co-founder and Secretary general of the Japan Arabic Calligraphy Association. Yamaoka spent four years in Saudi Arabia in the early 1980's ...

ac y « Lectures, Meetings « MEIS2「記憶」のフィールド・アーカイビング

Koichi Yamaoka (Secretary General, Japan Arabic Calligraphy Association): “The Establishment of Japan Association for Arabic Calligraphy and its Activities ...

StarBulletin.com | News |

— Koichi Yamaoka Nov. 20, Koichi "Fats" Yamaoka, 80, of Waikapu, Maui, a Wailuku Sugar Co. warehouseman, died in Maui Memorial Medical ... › o...

Services Tuesday for 'George' Sano, travel market execHonolulu Star-Advertiser

— 1 in Maui Memorial Hospital. She was born in Wailuku. She is survived by husband Kazuo; son Brian; brother Koichi Yamaoka, and three ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Koichi Yamaoka
Vorname "Koichi" (143)
Name "Yamaoka" (21)
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