Kris Kross Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kris Kross)


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Chris Kelly of Kris Kross Dead at Rolling Stone
May 2, · Chris Kelly, one-half the hip-hop duo Kris Kross that scored a radio hit with “Jump” in the early Nineties, has died, The Associated Press reports. Kelly, 34, was found unresponsive yesterday...

What Happened to Kris Kross – What They’re Doing In 2024
Jul 4, · Kris Kross rose to fame with the release of their debut single “Jump” in the early 90s. Where are they now in 2024?

Rapper stirbt im Alter von 34 Jahren: Kris-Kross-Mitglied Chris Kelly...
Mit seinem Partner Chris Smith landet Chris Kelly Anfang der 90er Jahre den Hit seines Lebens:

Online tributes pour in for Kris Kross rapper Chris 'Mac Daddy' Kelly...
Online tributes pour in for Kris Kross rapper Chris 'Mac Daddy' Kelly. Friends and fans of the late Chris Kelly took to social media Thursday to ...
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