Lance Corporal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lance Corporal)


(1 - 4 von 48

Hero soldier Lance Corporal Stephen Shaw awarded the Military Cross...
The Military Cross was awarded to Stephen Shaw after he risked his life to save that of a colleague in Afghanistan, and now his home town's main street will be...

Fremont: Marine lance corporal identified as victim struck by...
A glove is amongst the debris that is spread across the intersection of Decoto Road and Fremont Boulevard in Fremont, Calif., after an early morning fatal accident between a car and a motorcycle on Tuesday, March 25, The driver of the car, a green Mini Cooper, was reportedly driving under the ...

Lance Corporal Kyle Carpenter receives Medal of Honor | On Air Videos...
► 17:10► 17:10Lance Corporal Kyle Carpenter receives Medal of Honor. Jun. 19, :10 - Obama presents award at ...

Lance Corporal Lee Davies: Tributes paid to Welsh › news › uk-wales-s...
Lance Corporal Lee Thomas Davies from 1st Battalion Welsh Guards and Royal Air Force airman Corporal Brent John McCarthy died in Helmand province.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Lance Corporal
John Murray
Vorname "Lance" (1542)
Name "Corporal" (2)
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