Leia Organa und Princess Person-Info 

( Ich bin Leia Organa)
(1 - 46 von 137

Farewell, Princess Leia. May the Force Be With You | The Daily Star

Carrie Fisher, the actress, writer and High Princess of Hollywood, has died. She was 60.

'Star Wars' fans petition for Leia to be the newest Disney Princess |...

Just days after the tragic death of actress Carrie Fisher, a petition is circulating by fans to make her “Star Wars” character Princess Leia Organa, an...

carrie fisher: first pics as princess leia in star wars the force...

CARRIE FISHER can be seen for the first time reprising the role of Princess Leia in leaked pictures from the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Carrie Fisher, 'Star Wars' Princess Leia, dies at 60 | Reuters

Carrie Fisher, who rose to fame as Princess Leia in the