Dagger und die Welt: Krieg der Stöckchen
Krieg der Stöckchen. Leia Organa You scored as a Leia Organa A princess who uses her political powers to help the rebel alliance. You are calm and cool no matter the situation and always willing to fight for your beliefs.
Leia Organa Solo | Wookieepedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Leia Organa Solo Biographical information Physical description Chronological and political...
wort-wahl | blogdingens: sternen|kriege -
Now if only the jedi would quit trying to kill you. Palpatine 88% Obi-Wan Kenobi 88% Darth Maul 69% Yoda 69% Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader 63% Luke Skywalker 56% Han Solo 44% Boba Fett 44% Leia Organa 38% ...
Leia Organa (ASWS) | Star Wars Fanon | Fandom
Leia Organa was the Princess of Alderaan during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She was the daughter of Imperial Senator Bail Organa and Alderaanian Queen...
Leia Organa Solo | Brickipedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Leia Organa, also known as Princess Leia and General Leia, is a minifigure from the Star Wars theme. She is the biological daughter of Anakin Skywalker and...
Leia Organa | SWG Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Princess Leia Organa is one of the famous movie characters that appear in the game. She will appear on several locations giving out mission belonging to a...
Leia Organa Solo – Jedipedia
Leia Organa Solo, geborene Leia Amidala Skywalker, war eine Jedi-Ritterin des Neuen Jedi-Ordens…
Leia Organa – Jedipedia.net – Entdecke Star Wars
Leia Organa war eine Alderaanische Prinzessin und gehörte während des Galaktischen Bürgerkriegs zu der Führungsspitze der Rebellen-Allianz. Sie war die leibliche ...
Jediquote:Leia Organa – Jedipedia.net – Entdecke Star Wars
Leia Organa zu Wilhuff Tarkin (Episode IV – Eine neue Hoffnung, Kapitel 26) ... Leia Organa zu Han Solo (Episode V – Das Imperium schlägt ...
Leia Organa - Fanlore
Leia Organa is one of the main characters of the original Star Wars trilogy. She was a character, like Tasha Yar, who was a a flashpoint ...
Leia Organa Solo | Jedipedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Leia Organa Solo, geborene Leia Amidala Skywalker, war eine Jedi-Ritterin des Neuen Jedi-Ordens. Sie war die leibliche Tochter von Padmé Amidala und Anakin...
Leia Organa | Jedipedia | Fandom
Leia Organa, geborene Leia Amidala Skywalker, war eine Senatorin des Imperialen Senat. Sie war die leibliche Tochter von Padmé Amidala und Anakin Skywalker,...
Leia Skywalker Organa Solo | Wookieepediastarwars.fandom.com › wiki › Leia_Skywalker_Organa_Solo
In the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, Organa married the Corellian smuggler Han Solo and learned the Jedi arts as her brother's apprentice until giving birth ...
Leia Organa | Alternative Star Wars Saga | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Leia Organa was the Force-sensitive Princess of Alderaan during the reign of the Galactic Empire. She was the adopted daughter of Imperial Senator Bail Prestor...
Leia Organa | Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Princess Leia Organa is one of the central figures in the Star Wars franchise. Played primarily by Carrie Fisher, she was introduced in the film Star...
Leia Organa | Heroes Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan (born Leia Amidala Skywalker; later Leia Organa Solo; and...
Leia Organa | The Force Unleashed Wiki | Fandom
Leia Organa was the daughter of Anakin Skywalker (who turned to the Dark side and became Darth...
Leia Organa | The Non-Canon Star Wars Wiki | Fandom
Leia was born on Polis Massa, grew up on Alderaan, and kicked ass on every planet she set foot...
Talk:Leia Organa Solo | Wookieepedia | Fandom
I found no mention about the events in Timothy Zahn's Allegiance in the article. Any particular reason for that? Events of that book are mostly fresh in my...
Familie Solo | Jedipedia | Fandom
Die Familie Solo war eine ursprünglich corellianische Familie. Han Solo wurde wohl mit abstand der berühmteste Vertreter seiner Familie. Er startete eine...
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