linda peake: 4 Books available |
Buy linda peake Books at Shop amongst our popular books, including 4, A Feminist Urban Theory For Our Time, Rethinking Feminist Interventions Into...
Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban. Routledge
von LINDA; RIEKER, MARTINA. PEAKE, Routledge, 2013, Taschenbuch
Linda J. Peake ( of Mapping Women, Making Politics)
Linda Peake is the author of Interrogating Feminist Understandings of the Urban (0.0 avg rating, 0 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2013), Rethinking Femini...
Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban by Linda Peake,...
The Paperback of the Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban by Linda Peake at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $35.0 or more!
Linda Peake in Apple Books
Lies Auszüge und lade Bücher von Linda Peake, unter anderem „A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time“, „Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban“ und...
A feminist urban theory for our time: (1) social reproduction,...
Poster #: Day: Start / End Time: 8:00 AM / 9:40 AM Room: Studio 9, Marriott, 2nd Floor Organizers: Linda Peake, Darren Patrick, Rajyashree Reddy
Gender and the city: urban politics revisited | SpringerLink
This chapter examines the importance of gender relations in urban politics. During the last decade, the concept ‘urban’ has been the subject of extensive...
Rethinking feminist interventions into the urban |
A provocative new take on feminist urban studies.
The feminizing city? – A workshop with Linda Peake - ARC-GS -...
How are we to understand the contemporary urban gender revolution? Are cities feminizing as a result of changing patterns of production and reproduction? Or...
Alle Infos zum Namen "Linda Peake"
Linda Peake - Google 学术搜索引用
Linda Peake. Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada. feminist geography, Caribbean, urban studies. 在 的电子邮件经过验证. 学术搜索. 创建我的 ...
Linda Peake - Google Akademik
Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada - tarafından alıntılandı - feminist geography - Caribbean - urban studies
Caulfield, Jon and Linda Peake (eds.) City lives and city forms....
Title: Caulfield, Jon and Linda Peake (eds.) City lives and city forms. Critical research and Canadian urbanism. Author / Creator: Keating, M. In: INTERNATIONAL ...
Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban door Linda Peake -...
In Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban, Linda Peake and Martina Rieker embark on an ambitious project to explore the extent to which a fe… -...
Urbanization in a Global Context | Edited by Alison L. Bain and Linda...
Urbanization in a Global Context - By Edited by Alison L. Bain and Linda Peake from Oxford University Press Canada
Disabling cities
In: Urbanization in a Global Context: A Canadian Perspective Linda Peake & Alison Bain (eds.) OUP, en. uws.contributor.affiliation1, Faculty of Environment, en.
Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban - Linda Peake,...
Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban - Linda Peake, Martina Rieker. Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban. by: Martina Rieker (author) ...
Rethinking Feminist Interventions into… - for £21.21
Rethinking Feminist Interventions into the Urban ISBN: Routledge. Used - Good. Shows some signs of wear, and may have some markings on the…
City, Lives and City Forms (Jon Caulfield and Linda Peake, editors) -...
City, Lives and City Forms (Jon Caulfield and Linda Peake, editors). Author / Creator: Martin, J. A.. In: URBAN GEOGRAPHY; 20, 2; Publisher: V H ...
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