London Book Fair Person-Info 

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Beifall für Midvox auf London Book Fair, Midvox GmbH,...
Midvox GmbH, Mit grossem Interesse verfolgten die Teilnehmer des Supply Chain Seminars anlässlich der London Book Fair den Vortrag „A...

London Book Fair: Video Gamers storm the show - BBC News
BBC News investigates why video game developers have been given a pavilion for the first time at the London Book Fair.

Guardian: London Book Fair: publishing world struggles to adapt to new lines |...

The partying goes on at Earl's Court, but new formats and self-publishing are changing the industry

Joanna Trollope receives apology after London Book Fair speaker says...
A speaker at the London Book Fair has apologised for his “crass and offensive” language after introducing Joanna Trollope as a woman he would like...
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