Long Has Person-Info 

( Ich bin Long Has)


(1 - 4 von 43

When did Donald Trump last attack someone on Twitter? - CNNPolitics

Update: Trump's streak ended -- and our clock has been retired -- with a Thursday night tweetstorm. In it, he alleged that the controversy ...

How long has Wayne Rooney got left at Manchester United? - Manchester...

Man Utd and England captain is set to retire from international football after the World Cup in Russia in

'How long has Joe Biden been around?' - Washington Times

Well, let me put it in personal terms. I was a senior in college when he was first elected to the U.S. Senate (1972) and am now a little more than ...

Andrew McCarthy: How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia...

Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has concluded that there was no criminal collusion, the question arises: When during their ...
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