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Ludger Rémy ( ) - German harpsichordist, conductor and...
international classical music news from Music & Vision
Marie Luise Werneburg- Listen to their music on Vialma
Marie Luise Werneburg · Heinrich Schütz · Hans-Christoph Rademann · Oliver Kaden · Ludger Rémy · Frauke Hess. › profile
lastFM: Harry Geraerts, Tenor; Ludger Rémy, Hammerflügel - Last.fm
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Classical CD Of The Week: Fasch, A Classical Misunderstanding
Exploring, discovering and rediscovering great music in new recordings and old music in great recordings.
Fasch, a Post-Vivaldi Saxonian composer of...
lastFM: Ludger Rémy music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm
Listen to music from Ludger Rémy like Suite #4 in E minor, HWV 429, V. Gigue, Suite #4 in E minor, HWV 429, III. Courante & more. Find the latest tracks,...
Georg Gebel der Jüngere - Musicien - Base de données musicale - Radio...
«Georg Gebel der Jüngere»
Ludger Remy Albums and Discography | AllMusic
Ludger Remy albums and discography on AllMusic including all best, old, and new album information.
Project MUSE - Death and the Mayerin : Germanic harpsichord music
The easy flow reminds me of Ludger Rémy's approach in his Strasbourg Manuscript set of Froberger (2000, CPO ): a - delivery that illuminates the music ...
Emanuel Bach and Michael Haydn - Project MUSE
von P Branscombe · — Once or twice I sensed that Ludger Rémy, the director, was holding back the musical impetus, particularly in recitatives, ... › summary
Telemann Studies - Seite Google Books-Ergebnisseite
Ludger Rémy, CPO –2 (1998). Telemann's “Allabreve” setting follows the sectional plan mentioned above in 1 The Past in TelemannVs Sacred Vocal Music ...
Date: Sun, 6 Aug :30:43 EWT Reply-To: Early Music ...
... Gordon Murray (Wien) Ludger Remy (Bremen) Next harpsichord & pianoforte competitions in Brugge from the 26th of July to the 1st of August
Google Groups: So 25. April Bremer Terminkalender
: ... Weyrauch ua Bremen - Ev. Wilhadi-Kirche Musica
Google Groups: CD reviews: German vocal music of the 17th and 18th centuries
: ... Telemannisches Collegium Michaelstein/Ludger Rémy (CPO)
Google Groups: musica Dei donum ( )
: 1" (Solisten, Cantus Wettinianus Dresden, Les Amis de Philippe/Ludger
Wikipedia: Georg Gebel (the younger) - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Georg_Gebel_(the_younger)
Georg Gebel (25 October – 24 September 1753) was a German musician and composer Les Amis de Philippe, Ludger Remy CPO, 2010; Christmas Cantatas Vol.
Ludger Remy. Born in Kalkar, Ludger Remy studied the harpsichord ...amp.ww.en.freejournal.org › ludger-remy
... conductor, musicologist Nicholas Remy - a French magistrate who became; Vieweg, Les Amis de Philippe, Ludger Remy CPO, Christmas Cantatas Vol.
Les Amis de Philippe & Ludger Rémy - 6 Concertos (2016) - ISRABOXwww.israbox-music.com › les-amis-de-philippe-amp-ludger-r...
6 Dec · rе-uр Tracklist Chamber Concerto No. 5 in A Minor: I. Allegro 02. Chamber Concerto No. 5 in A Minor: II. Siciliana.
Les Amis de Philippe & Ludger Rémy - Fasch: Overture Symphonieswww.israbox-music.com › les-amis-de-philippe-amp-ludger-r...
6 Aug · Tracklist: 1. I. Ouverture (7:20) 2. II. Andante (2:58) 3. III. Allegro (1:47) 4. I. Ouverture (9:30) 5. II. Aria: Andante (6:29) 6. III.
GOTTFRIED HEINRICH STÖLZEL (1690–1749) TWO SERENATAS ...www.cambridge.org › core › journals › eighteenth-century-music › article
... Knut Schoch, Ekkehard Abele / Telemannisches Collegium Michaelstein / Ludger Rémy cpo2007; two discs, 103 minutes - Volume 8 Issue 2.
...von Mutterleibe an / zu der Music abgesondert... i Heinrich ...docplayer.org › Von-mutterleibe-an-zu-der-...
... Bläser-Collegium Leipzig, Ensemble Alte Musik Dresden, Ltg. Ludger Rémy, ... Distanz, Kamprad) xxix Albert Königsberg / Vierdanck Lübeck, Kopenhagen, ...
Rémy, Ludger - asinamusic.com
Ludger Rémy ( 4. Februar in Kalkar; † Kammermusik der Bach-Familie - Chursächsische Capelle Leipzig - Ludger Rémy. Kammermusik der Bach-Familie › ... › Musiker › O bis R
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Ludger Rémy (conductor) - CD (page 3 of 3) | Presto Music
Browse and buy all classical recordings featuring the conductor Ludger Rémy.
Capell und Taffel-Music - ∙
Capell und Taffel-Music, feine Barockmusik, zu Unterhaltung und Erbauung, virtuose Artisten spielen freudig zum Vergnügen ihrer Zuhörerschaft
CDs - Ulrike Hofbauer
Ludger Rémy, Ltg , Carus . Heinrich Schütz ... Weser-Renaissance Bremen Manfred Cordes. Ltg , cpo / Radio Bremen . Agostino Steffani Musica sacra
Early Music & Baroque Opera CD New NewOlde.comwww.newolde.com › new_releases_2011
J.S. Bach. Cello Suites BWV adapted for harpsichord by Ludger Rémy. Celestial Harmonies (2 CDs, November 2011). Details. Ludger ...
Ercole Nisini | Passacaglia - Instrumenta Musicawww.instrumentamusica.eu › passa...
... Katschner, Gregor Meyer, Ludger Rémy, Matthias Grünert, Gotthold Schwarz, ... Posaunenedition bei der Verlagsgruppe Kamprad mit dem Notenmaterial des ...
Annael (Anelia Pavlova) - Australian artist: Links and credits
Some favourite Early Music ensembles: Capilla Flamenca · Cinquecento Ensemble · Ricercar Consort · Collegium and Vaclav Luks; Ludger Remy and Les Amis de ... › links
Francesco Onofrio Manfredini - MusicBrainz
Francesco Onofrio Manfredini; Concerti op. 3 (Les Amis de Philippe feat conductor: Ludger Rémy) Francesco Onofrio Manfredini: 1: Album + Compilation. …
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