(1 - 30 von 54
(Epidemiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Prevalence and Etiology) By Moreno, Luis A. (Author) Hardcover on 13-Jan-2011
von Luis A. Moreno, Springer, 2011, Gebundene Ausgabe
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica: Supplementum No. 409, Vol : Rating and Quantification of Manic Syndromes
von Lorenzo; Rojo-Moreno, Luis (eds.) Livianos-Aldana, Munksgaard International Publishers Ltd., 2001, Taschenbuch
Musei nacional Antropologia - Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia SEP (Fotografias: Javier M. Horcastitas)
von J.E. Moreno de (Director general) & Bernal, Ignacio / Vasquez, Mario / Arroyo de Anda, Luis A. / Bonfil, Cristina Tagle, Artes de Mexico, 1960, Taschenbuch
Nationalism and Democracy. Routledge
von ANDRÉ; MORENO, LUIS. LECOURS, Routledge, 2010, Gebundene Ausgabe
von Salvador & Luis Moreno (editors). Giner, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones cientificas, 1990, Taschenbuch
The Territorial Politics of Welfare. Routledge
von NICOLA; MORENO, LUIS. MCEWEN, Routledge, 2005, Gebundene Ausgabe
Books by Luis Moreno (Author of Brownsville)
Luis Moreno has 23 books on Goodreads with 115 ratings. Luis Moreno’s most popular book is The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge.
Luis Moreno (Narrator of The Bitter Kingdom)
About Luis Moreno: Audiobook narrator.Librarian's note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.. Luis Moreno is the aut...
Cultures of Anyone - Luis Moreno-Caballud - Innbundet ( )...
Vår pris 1026,-(portofritt). The text of Cultures of Anyone is freely available online at the Modern Languages Open platform www.modernlanguagesopen.org ...
José Luis Moreno-Ruiz. La movida modernosa : crónica de una imbecilidad ... MwSt. Versandfertig in über 4 Wochen. In den Warenkorb. payback. 10 °P sammeln. José ,99 €
Buch: Denkmalpflege kreativ. 20 anregende Beispiele aus Hamburg –...
Fachbuch: Denkmalpflege kreativ. 20 anregende Beispiele aus Hamburg – Falk Jäger, Gudberg, Stadt- und Raumplanung, Wohnungswesen
Jorge Luis Moreno Félix - Latin Lawyerlatinlawyer.com › authors › jorge-luis-moreno-felix
Jorge Luis Moreno Félix is a managing director with PwC's Deals Latin America based in Mexico City and leads the business restructuring and corporate ...
The Criminal Law of Genocide: International, Comparative and...
This collection of essays presents a contextual view of genocide. The authors, who are academic authorities and practitioners in the field, explore the legal...
Rough Justice: The International Criminal Court in a World of Power...
Ten years ago, in the wake of massive crimes in central Africa and the Balkans, the first permanent international criminal court was established in The Hague...
The International Criminal Court in Ongoing Intrastate Conflicts:...
In recent decades, international courts have increasingly started investigating armed conflicts. However, the impact of this remains under-researched. Patrick...
Luis Moreno Mansilla · Divisare
Luis Moreno Mansilla is an architectural practice based in Madrid, Spain.
Ethnic Music on Records: A Discography of Ethnic Recordings Produced...
This impressive compilation offers a nearly complete listing of sound recordings made by American minority artists prior to mid Organized by national...
Price Trends of Royal Tribute Commodities in Nueva Galicia - Woodrow...
Royal treasury records of annual auctions of Indian tributes are the best source of price history for sixteenth-century Nueva Galicia. Using this data, the...
Luis Moreno Ocampo - Americas Quarterly
Luis Moreno Ocampo assisted in the prosecution of leaders of Argentina's military junta in He is currently chief prosecutor at the International
The Multicultural Dilemma: Migration, Ethnic Politics, and State...
This work seeks to explore the contemporary challenge of government in multicultural societies, drawing together a wide range of contributors to examine how...
The First Global Prosecutor: Promise and Constraints - Google Books
25, 2002), http://www. theglobalobservatory.org/interviews/197-interview-with-luis-moreno-ocampo-chiefprosecutor-of-the-international-criminal-court.html. 20.
Die Befugnis des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen zur...
... zum nachfolgenden Wandel in Praxis und Rechtsauffassung Sabine Bienk of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo to the UN Security ...
Luis Moreno | Official Publisher PageSimon & Schuster
Luis Moreno. Author Alerts. Get updates about Luis Moreno and recommended reads from Simon & Schuster. Plus, get a FREE ebook when you sign up! By clicking ... Luis Moreno. Author Alerts. Get updates about Luis Moreno and recommended reads from Simon & Schuster. Plus, get a FREE ebook when you sign up! By clicking ...
Discovering the Welfare State in East Asia - Google Books
Aspalter asserts that the belief that the development of high standard welfare states is primarily based on the ideology that pro-welfare, mostly leftwing,...
Encyclopedia of Human Rights - David P Forsythe - Google Books
The international human rights movement has become firmly established in global politics since the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and...
Internationales Strafrecht: Strafanwendungsrecht - Völkerstrafrecht...
Der Band bietet eine systematische Einführung in das Strafanwendungsrecht, das Europäische Strafrecht nach dem Lissabon-Vertrag sowie das Völkerstrafrecht auf...
Mathematics of Planet Earth: Proceedings of the 15th Annual...
... Carolina Guardiola-Albert, Javier Heredia, Luis Moreno-Merino, Juan José Durán, Witten, Germany E. Pardo-Igúzquiza et al.
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