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Spiegel.de: Slow Wheels of Justice The ICC's Disappointing Track Record
[Spiegel Online] - The International Criminal Court has had to face a lot of criticism over the years, mainly directed at its prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who has been described as petty and self-important. Legal scholars are hopeful that things will improve with his
Spiegel.de: A Closer Look at Luis Moreno Ocampo's Offshore Companies
Web5 oct · Former International Criminal Court chief Luis Moreno Ocampo owned offshore companies in Caribbean tax havens. What was their purpose?
Revealed: ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo’s link to friend of the...
A huge leak of documents has revealed that Luis Moreno Ocampo, the former chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), passed ...
Jose Luis Moreno Ocampo: Profile
Of the 23 people that José Luis Moreno Ocampo has chased through the International Criminal Court in the last seven years, none has been convicted.
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