Makoto Aoki und Japan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Makoto Aoki)
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Online-Vortrag: „Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland“ mit Prof. Makoto...
Detaillierete Analyse des Oscar-prämierten Film Anime Films „Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland“ mit Prof. Makoto Aoki auf Deutsch und Japanisch.

Roy Mukhlis Vs Makoto Aoki set - ASIAN BOXING
Earlier today it was announced that Indonesia's hard hitting Roy Mukhlis ( , 20) would be travelling to Japan for his second fight in the ...

Japanese physicians study AIDS at USCUniversity of Southern California
— Japanese physicians Makoto Aoki, left, and Yoshihisa Akimoto examine Jay Fields, 47, of West Hollywood as part of training they received ...

Guest Lecture on Japanese Aesthetics - William & › modernlanguages › japanese › news
Makoto Aoki, assistant professor at Ehime University in Japan, gave a lecture entitled “Sakura in Anime, Literature, and More,” which was attended by ...