Mao Aweys Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mao Aweys)


Medics Offered Genital Mutilation, Report Says - Yahoo News UK
The Sunday Times say they were put in touch with the Birmingham dentist by Dr Ali Mao Aweys, who has practices in Birmingham and London ...

Dr. Ali Mao Aweys MD - Doerpen, Germany
Ali Mao Aweys MD, waa dhaqtar guud (general medicine) degana waddanka Jarmalka aqoon wanaagsana u leh baarista iyo daaweynta cudurada . Waddanka ...

news: Dr Ali Mao-Aweys who said he could arrange female genital...
Dr Ali Mao-Aweys faces being struck off after he told an undercover ... Dr Mao- Aweys denied offering to assist in arranging female genital ...

New evidence suggests Female Genital Mutilation rising in UK |...
The Sunday Times was put in touch with Mr Addow by Dr Ali Mao Aweys who was recorded saying it was safer to have the surgery outside the ...
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Vorname "Mao" (113)
Name "Aweys" (4)
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