Marcus Goedsche und Management Board Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marcus Goedsche)
(1 - 13 von 15

DGAP-Adhoc: Allgeier SE: Explanation of the Management Board on the...
DGAP-Adhoc: Allgeier SE: Explanation of the Management Board on the notifications of managers' transactions pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR published today -...

ALLGEIER SE (FRA:AEI) ALLGEIER SE: Evora IT Solutions becomes part of...
· Dr. Marcus Goedsche, member of the Management Board of Allgeier SE, adds: "We are particularly pleased to gain a successful entrepreneurial ...

Germany – Allgeier CEO stepping down, moving to supervisory › Editorial › Daily-News
· Two members of the management board, Hubert Rohrer and Marcus Goedsche, will lead Allgeier SE as a management board team into the coming ...

DGAP-Adhoc: ALLGEIER SE: CEO Carl Georg Dürschmidt plans ...
Sep 02, · The two long-standing members of the Management Board, Hubert Rohrer and Dr. Marcus Goedsche, who successfully built up the Allgeier Group together with …