Marina Abramovic und Belgrade Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marina Abramovic)
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Rétrospective de Marina Abramovic à Belgrade, sa ville natale
L'icône de l'art corporel et de la performance artistique Marina Abramovic a inauguré samedi à Belgrade, sa ville natale, une grande rétrospective consacrée à...

Guardian: Performance artist Marina Abramović: 'I was ready to die' | Culture › artanddesign › may › mari...

· Performance artist Marina Abramović: 'I was ready to die' ... In 1974, Marina Abramović did a terrifying experiment. At a gallery in her native ...Place of birth: Belgrade

Artist Marina Abramovic opens exhibition in native Belgrade
BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Performance artist Marina Abramovic is displaying her work in her native Belgrade for the first time in 44 years, and ... › event › marina-abramovicAn Evening with Marina Abramovic - SITE Santa Fe
Since the beginning of her career in Belgrade during the early 1970s, Marina Abramović has pioneered performance as a visual art form. The body has been ...