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Marina Abramovic stages life and death - BBC News
Performance artist Marina Abramovic talks about starring alongside actor Willem Dafoe in a stage show about her life and imagined death.
Marina Abramovic’s latest blurs the line between artist and star -...
The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic is an evening of worship for the self-proclaimed ‘grandmother of performance art’
Marina Abramovic turns Seven Deaths project into an opera to debut ...www.theartnewspaper.com › news › marina-abramo...
· Artist will direct the production, which was originally conceived as a cinematic tribute to her lifelong hero Maria Callas.
Robert Wilsons inszeniert „Life and Death of Marina Abramovic“
Robert Wilsons inszeniert das Leben der serbischen Performancekünstlerin Marina Abramovic in Basel als keimfreie Apotheose.
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