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Marina Abramovic Says Kids Hold Back Female Artists | artnet ...news.artnet.com › art-world › marina...
Marina Abramović Says Children Hold Back Female Artists. "I have no husband, no family, I'm totally free." Henri Neuendorf, July 25, Marina Abramovic in Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 8, Courtesy of NELSON ALMEIDA/AFP/Getty ...
Marina Abramovic Institute - OMAoma.eu › projects › marina-abram...
The mission of the Marina Abramović Institute for the Preservation of Performance Art (MAI) is to cultivate new kinds of performance while functioning as a living ...
Marina Abramovic Hospitalized - artnet News
The Park Avenue Armory canceled an honorary dinner for Marina Abramovic in the wake of news that the artist was rushed to the hospital.
Live Culture at Tate Modern - LADA Live Art Development ...www.thisisliveart.co.uk › projects › live-culture-at-tate-modern
Contributors include Marina Abramovic, Ron Athey, Franko B, Carol Becker, ... Hayley Newman's work featured in Beck's Futures and her recent solo ...
Marina Abramovic Causes Outrage With Statements - artnet News
Marina Abramovic's upcoming memoir includes descriptions of Australian Aborigines that have inspired outrage.
Project Marina Abramović
Kaldor Public Art Project 30, Marina Abramović: In Residence, represented the latest development in the artist's four-decade-long career, an innovative new ...
Marina Abramović and Ulay, Whose Breakup Changed Performance ...news.artnet.com › marina-abramovic-ulay-relationship-interview
Aug. 8, · Marina Abramović and Ulay had a 12-year romantic and artistic partnership. Now, decades after their breakup, they are back on speaking ...Missing: Verwaltungs GmbH" Aug. 8, · Marina Abramović and Ulay had a 12-year romantic and artistic partnership. Now, decades after their breakup, they are back on speaking ... Missing: Verwaltungs GmbH"
'My Professional Return to Belgrade Is a Big Deal for Me': Marina ...news.artnet.com › marina-abramovic-serbia-september
Aug 6, · Marina Abramović pens a letter to her Serbian public ahead of her major retrospective in Belgrade next month, her first in over four ...Missing: Verwaltungs" | Must include:Verwaltungs" Aug 6, · Marina Abramović pens a letter to her Serbian public ahead of her major retrospective in Belgrade next month, her first in over four ... Missing: Verwaltungs" | Must include:Verwaltungs"
Some Believe Marina Abramovic Is the Ringleader of a Global...
We go down the rabbit hole of YouTube videos to find that a recent controversy points to much bigger issues about American culture.
Marina Abramović and Ulay Are Reuniting to Write a Joint Memoir |...
At the opening at his first Manhattan solo show since 1992, at Boers-Li Gallery, Ulay revealed plans to write a memoir with Marina Abramović.
No, Marina Abramović Is Not Giving Back the Money She Raised for Her...
Though it raised more than $660,000, the Marina Abramović Insitute bailed on its building project. But don't expect a refund.
The Man Who Attacked Marina Abramović With a Painting Claims ...news.artnet.com › art-world › marina-abramovic-att...
· The performance artist was shaken but unharmed in the incident during her retrospective in Florence's Palazzo Strozzi.
Are You Ready for a Marina Abramović Memoir? | artnet News
To coincide with her 70th birthday, the
Marina Abramović Retrospective Opens in Stockholm | artnet News
'The Cleaner' is the first major retrospective in Europe dedicated to the work of prolific performance artist Marina Abramović.
Marina Abramović | artnet
Marina Abramović is a Serbian artist known for her vanguard performance pieces that use her body both as subject and vehicle. View Marina Abramović’s
Does Abramović Exploit Unpaid Volunteers? - artnet News
The Marina Abramović Institute, criticized for offering four unpaid
For Her Latest Feat, Marina Abramović Has Transformed Herself Into a...
The performance artist has collaborated with Ladurée to create an edible version of herself that leaves a guilty blue stain on your tongue.
The Artist Is Present but the Money Isn't: Marina Abramović Scraps...
The artist has scrapped plans for the Rem Koolhaas-designed Marina Abramović Institute in upstate New York.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Marina Abramovic
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Personen Vorname "Marina" (23876) Name "Abramovic" (93) |
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