Mario Bava und Italian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Bava)
(1 - 37 von 59

The Mario Bava Collection - Holiday Buying Guide - TIME
$ In the 60s, the Italian film industry could imitate almost any kind of movie — Westerns, thrillers, historical epics — and, in doing so, transform...

Guardian: Berberian Sound Studio – review | Film | The Guardian

Peter Strickland's thriller about a home counties sound engineer hired by a 70s Italian horror studio is one of the films of the year, writes Philip French

The Beyond: Mario Bava's A Bay of Blood -
Italian genre cinema is known for its baroque titles—some films seem to boast more names than cast members. Post-war filmmakers were driven to market their...

Rinasce sul web il mito del regista Mario Bava che l’Italia non ha...
di Paolo Lughi Per celebrare degnamente il centenario di Mario Bava, l'artigiano romantico del cinema italiano (come si autodefiniva questo ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Mario Bava
Dario Argento
Vorname "Mario" (36787)
Name "Bava" (48)