Mario Selic und Industrial Design Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Selic)
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Dienstagabend-Programm HS19 – Industrial Design ZHdK
Gast: Mario Selic, Industriedesigner, Selic Industrial Design, Augsburg Thema: Design von Robotern am Beispiel der Industrieroboter der Firma Kuka. 15.

KUKA lightweight robot LBR iiwa receives Red Dot Award
With the lightweight robot LBR iiwa, the engineers at KUKA and industrial designer Mario Selic have once again created a masterpiece of innovation, technical ...

Kuka Roboter Again “best of the best” in the prizes ‘network dot...
The industrial designer Mario Selic of Augsburg will receive the 'network dot trophy' stops Kuka in front of more than invited of all the ...