Mark Berman Person-Info 

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Google News: eBay Bidding for Casey Anthony Mask Reaches $1 Million

[Opposing Views] - By Mark Berman Opposing Views on Jul 27, The bidding for the Casey Anthony mass on eBay ends at 6 pm Pacific time on Wednesday, and with about an hour and 15 minutes left, the top bid was $ It will surely top the $1 million mark before

Google News: John McCain Rips 'Foolish' Republicans on Balanced Budget Demand

[Opposing Views] - By Mark Berman Opposing Views on Jul 27, Sen. John McCain took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to rip his fellow Republicans for standing firm on a demand for a balanced budget amendment. According to a report from The Hill, members of the Tea

Google News: Joseph Schexnider's Body Found in Chimney 27 Years After Disappearing

[Opposing Views] - By Mark Berman Opposing Views on Jul 27, A wild story out of Louisiana, where the body of a man was found inside a chimney years after he disappeared. And, adding to the strangeness, his family never reported him as missing.

Google News: Ex-Miami Beach Cop Charged in ATV Crash After On-Duty Partying

[Opposing Views] - By Mark Berman Opposing Views on Jul 27, A former Miami Beach police officer faces felony charges after allegedly drinking with a bachelorette party while on duty, then taking one of the women for a ride on an ATV and hitting two people.
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