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Mark Gatiss looks at the History of Horror films - BBC News
League of Gentlemen actor and writer Mark Gatiss, talks about his fascination with horror films. He is presenting A History of Horror for BBC Four.
Guardian: Sherlock's Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat to write Dracula TV show |...
Pair reuniting to create Sherlock-style BBC series with feature-length episodes telling story of the vampire count
A History of Horror with Mark Gatiss - BBC4 - The WIRE magazine and...
BBC: "Three-part series in which actor and writer Mark Gatiss (The League of Gentlemen, Doctor Who, Sherlock) celebrates the greatest ...
Start der dritten BBC-Staffel "Sherlock" fesselt die Briten -...
Die neue Sherlock-Serie der BBC setzt mit Tempo, Raffinesse und Scharfsinn den fiktiven Charakter aus Baker Street 221B in Szene. Dabei legt der Detektiv eine...
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