Mark Gatiss und League Of Gentlemen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mark Gatiss)
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Mark Gatiss looks at the History of Horror films - BBC News
League of Gentlemen actor and writer Mark Gatiss, talks about his fascination with horror films. He is presenting A History of Horror for BBC Four.

Guardian: Peter Mandelson to be played by Sherlock star Mark Gatiss in C4 drama...

Former League of Gentlemen actor once said he gave Mycroft Holmes ‘reptilian and Mandelsonian’ qualities

Mark Gatiss - News, views, gossip, pictures, video - Mirror Online
Mark GatissSherlock star Mark Gatiss 'upgrading' civil partnership to marriage after 17 years with partner Ian Hallard · The happy couple met on an online dating site · Reece ShearsmithHello Daaave! League of Gentlemen will return THIS YEAR to mark 20th anniversary · 3 · The pioneering sketch show ...

The League of Gentlemen reunion: Mark Gatiss on returning to the show...
The Independent could not be meeting The League of Gentlemen cast in a more League of Gentlemen place. Mark Gatiss, one quarter of The League, alongside Jeremy...