Martin Atkinson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Martin Atkinson)


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Calcio/ L'azzurro nell'era Prandelli, venerdì prime convocazioni
[APCOM] italiane è in programma l'amichevole con la Costa d'Avorio presso lo stado di Upton Park. L'arbitro dell'incontro sarà l'inglese Martin Atkinson.

St Leonard's Church stalwart is honoured
[The Press, York] - Leslie Atkinson, 82, was appointed churchwarden emeritus at St Leonard's Church in Farlington, near Sheriff-Hutton, by the Rt Rev Martin Wallace

Alan Wiley's life and times in football
[] - “I don't think it's any co-incidence that the calmest referees of this time – Howard Webb, Chris Foy, Martin Atkinson – are all police officers.

Achtungserfolg in Sevilla: Stuttgart erkämpft Remis -
Dabei hatten die Stuttgarter schon nach drei Minuten die ganz große Chance - Schiedsrichter Martin Atkinson hatte die Vorlage gegeben. Vom Bein des Engländer kam der Ball zum VfB ...
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